Ephesians 3:19 says that I can be filled with all the fullness of you. Filled? I have been just barely running on empty for far too long now. I got burnt out long ago, and fell into auto pilot...each day feeling like the same day. I tried hard to be productive and I tried hard to work so that my life would bear fruit, but I was on empty. I tried to give much, but I had little to give and the result was desperate frustration. If I am going to bear much fruit today, I am going to need you to fill me up first. Strengthen me today, through the power of your Spirit. Renew me today, and give me the focus and determination to carry out the work you have before me today. Instead of just barely getting dinner on the table, today, help me to be mindful as I joyfully set the table with a smile and love in my heart toward my family. Fill me up with you today, so that the mom that my children see is not tired and frustrated, but hopeful and strong.
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