Tuesday, March 15, 2011


My name is Alisha.

I was the third child in my family.

I was the last child born into my immediate family.

I was the only girl in my family.

I love my brothers very much.

One brother lives in California and the other in Michigan.

I was born in Michigan.

I spent most of my childhood in Lansing, Michigan, and loved it.

I live in Valparaiso, Indiana now and love it.

I am trying to get my parents to move to Valpo.

I really enjoyed second grade and fifth grade the most.

I always liked school.

College set me up nicely to be a teacher, but I have yet to get a teaching job.

I am not looking for a teaching job right now.

I was a substitute teacher for about a year and I did not enjoy it.

I was a children's pastor and I found that to be VERY rewarding.

I have always loved children…even when I was one.

Fourth and fifth graders are usually my favorite.

I am a mommy now.

I have a hard time spending an entire day in my house, even when little sweeties are over.

I got married the year after I graduated from college.

As much as I love my children, my husband is the biggest blessing in my life.

I tell him that.

My husband makes me laugh harder than anyone else I know.

My husband made me chocolate covered strawberries for Valentines Day one year.

I love chocolate covered strawberries.

The well being of my family is more important than any career I will ever have.

I know how to hem jeans so that they look like they weren't hemmed.

I am not very good at sewing, but I do enjoy projects that allow me to be creative.

I am typing on a computer that is hooked up to two screens.

My husband knows a lot about computers.

My husband works at a church.

I am a Christian.

I have been a Christian since I was very young.

I LOVE spending my time pouring into the ministries at our church.

The two cars we have are paid off.

Our student loans will never be paid off.

Our house has a basement.

It's pretty much always a mess.

I am learning a lot about God's grace lately and I LOVE it!

Eating out with people I love is one of my favorite things to do.

I bought McDonalds with my first dollar.

My brother bought a funnel with his first dollar.

I think that says a lot about us.

If eating out was healthy, and we could afford it, I would do it every day.

I love El Salto.

I was sad when Chi Chi's went out of business in Lansing.

I am not a huge shopping fanatic.

I get a big kick out of getting awesome deals on things that other people paid lots for.

I don't drink anything alcoholic, and never will.

My reason for not drinking is the fear that I could turn into a drunk someday.

I think I would make a terrible drunk.

I also could not afford to the support the habit.

I also don't smoke.

I considered smoking once when I was 6 years old and it was offered to me.

Someone stuck up for me and I never had to make the choice.

I am grateful for God's hand of protection in my life.

I am 5'7".

I like the words to hymns.

I have bought CD's with hymns on them.

I eat more chocolate than I should.

I also love coffee when it is all sweetened up, and as white as I am.

My friend introduced me to Starbuck's white chocolate mocha and I am glad she did.

I think young people who help older people are fabulous.

I think young people who are patient with older people deserve to be praised.

I love being 30.

I was not all that wild about my 20's. (understatement)

I lacked a lot of self-awareness as a child.

I liked it that way, but I think I frustrated many people.

I had a lot of friends in spite of the fact that I was frustrating.

I give God credit for that.

I prayed to be cool as I walked to school as a child.

I also prayed whenever the teacher would ask us to partner up with someone in the room.

Now I pray for my kids, but never that they will be cool.

I pray that God will help me raise my kids the way He wants me to.

I believe that God can, and will, answer that prayer.

I read a lot of parenting books.

I ask other moms for advice a lot.

I hate changing stinky diapers.

I admire girls who care enough to pick out several shoes and actually wear them all.

I will never be that girl.

I think TV is a waste of time.

I watch it anyway.

I think video games can decrease motivation in children when they are older.

I bought my husband an XBOX 360 anyway.

I believe we will be held accountable for what we do here on earth.

I look forward to heaven.

I don't believe heaven will have much comparison to our experience here on earth, and I am good with that.

I think that for unbelievers, this is as good as it gets.

I think that for believers, this is as bad as it gets.

I love God's grace.


Momma Hughes said...


The website where I got the idea to write 100 things about myself. :) Also the site I found this seriously great tutorial on how to hem your jeans. Worth checking out!

Jos @ keathley{chronicles} said...

You're cute...and I'm so glad you have your own blog now! I'm SO following you...sometimes you say things that I think...and instead of scaring me, it comforts me.

Back to strawberries...