"God does not call me to a career; He calls me to be faithful."
-Theologian David Timms
Be faithful in the little stuff now, so the big stuff will make more sense when you are older. Many young people float around through high school thinking it is all about just getting through school so they can move on with "real life". Don't wait for "real life" to happen. This is it. You are developing your story. Lean into God's plan for you now by being faithful in the little things...friendships, school work, your family life, your part time job if you have one, the money you make, etc. etc. Decide what you will stand for, and what is not worth getting worked up over. (which is very rare for anyone who is young, in my opinion, and many adults for that matter) Devote yourself to developing your natural strengths. God gave them to you for a reason. You are not who you are by mistake. You cannot know now what you will be doing when you are 30, but what you do need to ask yourself now is "what is God calling me to today?" If you spend 18 years thinking, that someday life will just "happen", then guess what? It ain't gonna happen. :) You reap what you sow. Have fun, enjoy your youth, but seek God in all you do. It's in seeking Him that you will find your purpose in life. Trust God with your life. He knows what is best for you, according to His plan for you. If you tap into His plan for you, there are GREAT blessings around your corner.
May the choices that you make today be building blocks that you can stand on in the future, with pride and grace.
"His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!' Matthew 25:21
P.S. YOU ARE LOVED!!!!!!!! So proud of you!
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