1. Tell about a message of comfort you received from the Bible at a time when you especially needed it, that you think others would benefit from.
2. Describe a time when life seemed challenging and tell us how God brought you through that time, or comforted you during that time.
3. Share a message of hope that will uplift and encourage others.
Before submitting your post for consideration, please note the following guidelines:
- Submission of your guest post does not guarantee publication. Your submission will be reviewed and if it will benefit BeComforted readers, it is likely to be published.
- Use of bullets, lists and short paragraphs is highly encouraged when appropriate, as it makes reading much easier.
- Please do not email your submission in HTML format or in a Word or text document. Simply type your post in your email and attach relevant images to the email (if applicable).
- Please make a concerted effort to use correct spelling, grammar and punctuation. Due to time constraints, submissions which require excessive editing cannot be accepted.
- Include a short bio (50 words or less if possible) at the end of your post. Feel free to include a link to your site.
- BeComforted.com does not offer monetary compensation for guest posts at this time.
If you would like to submit a guest post you may email me at alisha.hughes@hotmail.com
THANK YOU!!! I'M EXCITED TO HEAR FROM YOU!! Power is infused into our spirit when turn our focus off of hard circumstances and acknowledge of the work of God in our lives. May God bless you as you share your story with others.
- CINDY BULTEMA-Prayer Guide.
- DONNA FAGERSTROM- Happiness vs. Contentment.
- JENNIFER RILEY- God speaks a message of comfort
- DIANE AMOROSO- Comfort through the trials of miscarriage.
- RHONDA MCMILLAN- When a family member struggles with a mental illness
- MARCIA COLGAR- Cardboard Testimonies.
- CINDY LACZYNSKI- Dependence on God.