Saturday, September 3, 2011

Helping my son with his first homework assignment. Part Two.

(this post is a continuation from the post before this one. You can go here to get to the first post.)

The fill-in-the-blank question my son had to answer was, "I want to be a __________ when I grow up."

The truth is that I am not even sure what I want to be when I grow up and I am 30 (or something), so I didn't really expect my baby-toothed five year old to know what he wanted to be.

If you would have talked to me when I was in kindergarten I would have expected to be ten-fifteen years into a career by now. (assuming that I would have started my full time acting career as a mega hit movie star at the age of 15, when I was miraculously discovered outside of the Lansing, Michigan mall by some agent who was going to make me super famous) But, alas, I am not. (and did not)

I am blazing my own "special", "set-apart", "unique" trail over here.
No one can take my story, doggone it!!! It's mine! You can't have it!
No one can take yours either. It's all yours!
This is how it must be.
The journey that the Lord has you on is your own unique journey. No more fill-in-the-blanks over here. We threw those out with the mad libs in fifth grade! You don't just pick a noun and throw it in there and hope it works out, and start laughing a nervous laugh if it doesn't. :) That's a mad lib.

"The LORD knows all human plans;
he knows that they are futile."
~Psalm 94:11

All to Jesus I surrender. My life is in your hands, Lord. Take it and do what you want with it. It's all yours. All of it. All for your glory.

There is something comforting about knowing that God is in control and that you can trust your future to a God that loves you and can (and will) take care of you, isn't there? His plans for you are more satisfying and meaningful than any that you could come up with on your own. Every minute of every day might not always be easy, but (in the end) it will be worth it. TRUST HIM!!! Trust Him with your today and your tomorrow. Do what you do today trusting that it is not all that there is for you, but knowing that it is essential because without it tomorrow wouldn't come together the way it is supposed to.

Even as I walk through a phase of what others would consider to be a "wandering" phase of my life I will trust Him to be at work. As I wake up each morning fully aware that this is a time of my life where the blanks have not been filled the way I thought they might be I can still put my blank before the Lord and say, "Fill in my _____________ today Lord. I give it all to you. Take this day and do with it what you like, Lord. I give you my heart, my life, and my everything. It's all yours to do with as you see fit. I am trusting in your timing, and I am assuming that this is a time of rebuilding in my life until you call me to move forward into a new position somewhere. Put my heart at peace for now, and keep me grounded in you, until it is time to take action again. Amen."

"For we are God's workmanship,
created in Christ Jesus to do good works,
which God prepared in advance for us to do."
~Ephesians 2:10

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