I used to think that I was just being real when I vented the anger and disappointment I felt as soon as I felt it. As long as I was just keeping it real, it was okay. The problem, though, was that all my complaining was driving me further into the pit I was making for myself. The pit of self-pity. It can be hard to come out of at times, once the pit is dug. It's going to take one small choice at a time. So choose again, today, to make a promise to yourself, "I will complain less today, and smile more today, even if I don't feel like it yet."
One last entry will be posted on this topic tomorrow to wrap up this "Do everything without complaining" challenge. If this challenge was hard for you and you are looking a true word of encouragement, that will be the one to read.
((***side note: There are times when you just need to talk to someone about how you are feeling, and the relief afterward is wonderful. I am not trying to discredit the importance of talking with a friend when you are truly struggling, but I am encouraging that you choose to not make complaining your all-day long affair. And don't waste all the energy that you DO have that day complaining about the small stuff, like how the kids left a million crumbs under the table after dinner. :) Many instances of self-pity, and self-loathing will actually just make you more self-centered, and then it becomes harder to focus on serving the little people around you. The attitude becomes, "Why should I have to (fill in the blank)" instead of "How may I serve you today?". Something to consider is all.))
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